About us
The Finnish Rheumatism Association works for people suffering from rheumatic and other musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs).
The Finnish Rheumatism Association works for people suffering from rheumatic and other musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs).
Finnish Rheumatism Association, Reumaliitto, offers information, support and activities for people living with rheumatic diseases.
Finnish Rheumatism Association is a patient organisation. At the end of 2023, it had 129 member organisations, which in turn had a total of 28 590 individual members.
Most member organisations offer activities locally and welcome people living with various rheumatic diseases. A handful of disease-specific organizations work nationally. Majority of organisations offer activities mainly in Finnish, six in Swedish. You can see full list of organisations in Finnish here .
The size of member organisations varies. Smallest ones have just dozens of members, largest ones over one thousand. Most work purely on voluntary basis.
Reumaliitto has an office in Helsinki, with personnel of approximately 20 people. They work on advocacy, communication, finances, coordinating peer support and supporting member organisations, among other things.
Finnish Rheumatism Association was founded in 1947.
For more information, contact info@reumaliitto.fi.